
...ReassembledBrutus-怪物(NPC)-POE...Brutus.相關卡片.奉獻(8).薛朗的護身長袍.掉落等級:47夢魘金體,巴瑟,盜夢吉賽爾,黑暗 ...,Strikeyourfoesdownwithapowerfulblow.Deals20%moreAttackDamage12%moreAttackSpeed.EmptyActionAttackBrutusMultiSlam.,Brutus,LordIncarcerator,commonlyjustcalledBrutus,isauniquemonsterinTheWarden'sQuartersinActI.Defeatinghimistheobjectiveofthequest ...,,2021年7月3日—Youcanprobably...

改造生物布魯特斯- Reassembled Brutus

... Reassembled Brutus - 怪物(NPC) - POE ... Brutus. 相關卡片. 奉獻(8). 薛朗的護身長袍. 掉落等級: 47 夢魘金體 , 巴瑟 , 盜夢吉賽爾 , 黑暗 ...

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator

Strike your foes down with a powerful blow. Deals 20% more Attack Damage 12% more Attack Speed. EmptyActionAttackBrutusMultiSlam.

Brutus - Path of Exile Wiki

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator, commonly just called Brutus, is a unique monster in The Warden's Quarters in Act I. Defeating him is the objective of the quest ...

How to kill Brutus?

2021年7月3日 — You can probably kill Brutus with 1dps if you just walk around enough. You gotta stay mobile in this game. Path of Exile has a problem called  ...

Reassembled Brutus

Reassembled Brutus is a more powerful version of Brutus, Lord Incarcerator, reanimated by Shavronne the Returned. He is located at the Prison Rooftop of ...

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator - Path of Exile Wiki

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator, commonly just called Brutus, is a unique monster in the Upper Prison in Act 1. Defeating him is the objective of the quest The ...


布魯特斯曾是公理監獄的典獄長,也是不朽帝國裡最為人畏懼的人之一。據傳他雇用一名女巫改造他,讓他得以獲得永生。他那愚昧的野心使得所有人都成為受害者。 如果事情確實 ...

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator

2023年7月21日 — Brutus, Lord Incarcerator (also simply referred to as Brutus) is a unique monster in the Upper Prison in Act 1 and serves as the player's first ...